Politics & Comment

I comment regularly on British and American politics, with a broad focus on foreign policy. I also maintain a particular expertise in the internal workings of the Conservative Party. I have contributed columns to most major British newspapers, starting my career at The Spectator, and am currently most likely to be found at The Financial Times and The Guardian, as well as number of US outlets. I have recently joined the Board of Index on Censorship.

In addition to my perspective as an intellectual historian, I also have a strong hinterland in the Anglican church, and write regularly on issues of faith and ethics. Much of my insight into British politics has been shaped by my time as part of the team responsible for establishing Bright Blue, the think tank associated with the Tory modernisation agenda. In 2014, I published a collection of essays with Ryan Shorthouse on the future of the Conservative Party, entitled The Modernisers’ Manifesto, for Bright Blue. 

I have also made available here the three articles I wrote in late 2017 about Damian Green MP, which formed part of the #metoo movement and eventually led to his resignation as First Secretary of State. Originally published behind paywalls, they were widely reported in more sensationalist terms and it is important to me that my own words on the matter are publicly available.

Like most people who write for newspapers, I have no control over the headlines added to my articles. So I sometimes post articles here with my own choice of headlines, when I feel strongly that the published headlines are inappropriate.

Will Michael Gove dare to bring Christianity into his prison reform plans?

Posted on Oct 13, 2015 | 0 comments

Written for The Spectator, 13 October 2015 This April, Michael Gove wrote in The Spectator: ‘To call yourself a Christian in contemporary Britain is to invite pity, condescension or cool dismissal.’ Certainly, the titters it provoked in the more left-wing corners of Twitter rather proved his point (a...

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Banning provocateurs doesn’t silence them – it only amplifies their voices

Posted on Oct 9, 2015 | 0 comments

written for The Spectator, 9th October 2015 I write about free speech. And I’m tired of writing about free speech. I’m tired of needing to write about free speech. I’m tired of needing to defend women’s freedom to discuss our long-contested bodies without being plucked and waxed into acceptable, tidy...

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Maggie’s great, but can’t the US find an inspiring American woman to go on their banknote?

Posted on Sep 19, 2015 | 0 comments

written for The Spectator, 19th September 2015 Banknotes, again. Now it’s America’s turn to suffer the unintended consequences of an ill-implemented campaign to inject some XX chromosomes into currency. In June, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew announced that he was knocking founding father Alexander...

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With his token women, Corbyn has done a Cameron

Posted on Sep 15, 2015 | 0 comments

written for The Spectator, 15 September 2015 In the early hours of Monday, it dawned on Jeremy Corbyn that no women in his team would be shadowing the four Great Offices of State. ‘We are taking a fair amount of shit out there about women,’ his advisor Simon Fletcher was heard saying. ‘We need to do a...

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In defence of doping

Posted on Aug 3, 2015 | 0 comments

written for The Spectator, 3rd August 2015 Apparently, I’m supposed to be shocked by doping. This weekend, the Sunday Times published files from the International Association of Athletics Federations, suggesting that hundreds of athletes had been awarded medals at top events, despite receiving suspicious...

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Angry at Lord Sewell’s corruption? Blame a woman – or Michelle Mone

Posted on Aug 3, 2015 | 0 comments

written for The Independent, 3rd August 2015   Bras? Hilarious, am I right? The Sun, normally a bastion of Tory support, greeted the news of Michelle Mone’s peerage today under the banner, ‘Lady Bra-Bra’. Inside, a spread on the underwear tycoon asked the question: ‘How do you make a Lady Mone?...

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